Page 62 - Southwell School Year Book 2018
P. 62

Dr Seuss-inspired artworks have been the theme of the year with fantastic work created by all students in different year levels.
The year 6s created a variety of different artworks, learning many new techniques that are used and valued in art. The students carried these over to each lesson, building a range of techniques and processes, including drawing, stencilling, layering and mixed media.
The Year 7s produced outstanding paintings that echoed artist model Sam Mathers. The iconic paintings were drenched in rich colour and texture. The Year 7s persevered to build their techniques and skills in art to develop their work. The paintings were technically challenging and each student worked hard to produce their best work possible.
The Year 8s worked in a variety of media throughout the year, from dry mediums to layering with acrylics and completed their two terms in art with a large painting and concertina book. Each step in the painting unit came with challenges, however the  nal result is outstanding for Year 8 level. The selection of work in the school gallery has been admired by many.
It has been a wonderful year with fun and creative art works. Southwell students, you are stars!
Brya Wing Art Teacher
One  sh, two  sh, red  sh, blue  sh!
What a fun year we had. The Art & Pottery Department this year revisited our love of all the whacky ways that Dr Seuss inspires us with his wonderful colour combinations, wacky words and creative artworks.
The new-to-pottery Year 6 artists made hot air balloons and baskets. This really tested their ability to take a  at image and create a 3D form with clay and enhance the curves with line. This was a fun and rewarding project. Experiencing the electric wheel for the  rst time resulted in plenty of fun, but certainly tested balance and coordination.
Year 7 artists created a series of Seussical house tiles from the dark and desolate Oncler homes to the bright and wacky homes of Whosville. This allowed the students to work with the most simple of designs and detail to the crazy and nonsensical in true Seuss style. Each artist made a series of three tiles then went on to work on the pottery wheels.
Our favourite Dr Seuss books was the
theme for Year 8s to create. Some had the challenge of making a book stand alone and upright while others made stacks. Seemingly a simple task was actually a tricky process that called on all their previously taught skills. The very  ne paint work challenged even the most cautious future neuro- surgeons. I love the books and it continues to be one of my favourite things to teach.
The gallery looked amazing all year. Well done Southwell artists. Dr Seuss would be as proud as I am to see your hard work.
Liz Wathen Pottery Teacher
Southwell School Yearbook 2018

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